With all of us spending more time at home, and by “all of us”  I really mean ALL of us, family togetherness, 24/7, it’s hard to be cheerful by the time dinner rolls around. Among the many things my family does to drive me nuts these days (I’m sure you can chime in with a few of your own family’s precious gems) is my kids constant whining they are starving- round the clock- all the while eating me out of house and home faster than the grocery store shelves being emptied by ravished scavenger hunters.  But I digress…

Now more than ever it is important to make meals memorable and not in a bickering, why are we always at each other’s throats kind of way.

Celebrate National Prom Night at Dinner Tonight

National Prom Day is a real event. It was created in 2016 by PromGirls, the nations largest online retailer of prom dresses and special occassion dresses for teenagers. According to PromGirls, “National Prom Day celebrates this milestone, a time that’s not only filled with fashion, friendship, and fun, but where safety, peer pressure, and insecurity can sometimes go along with it. That’s why building a community that encourages confidence and empowerment is so important.”

There is an altruistic aspect to this special celebration as well. PromGirl will make a donation for every dress sold on National Prom Day to organizations that are making a notable impact and difference in young people’s lives. This year, PromGirl has partnered with Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), a long-standing champion of educating young people and developing prevention initiatives against destructive decisions. Not exactly what you were expecting from something centered around the Prom is it?

Officially, National Prom Day is March 31st  but in my book, it can be celebrated whenever your family dinner could use a spark. Right about now I’m guessing all of our family dinners could benefit from a little spark.

How to Make A Family Prom Day Dinner Fun

It doesn’t matter if you loved or hated your prom or even if you never went to it. It doesn’t matter if your kids are too young to go to the prom or if they are living in fear that their prom may be cancelled this year. The idea is to just make the evening fun. Here are some things to get your creative juices churning:

  • Hand out prom invitations at breakfast. Download something from the computer or hand craft your own.
  • Establish a dress code. Now might be a good time to get some use out of those special occassion clothes you bought your kids before they grow out of them.
  • Have your kids make a playlist for the evening’s festivities. Make one yourself as well. Music at dinner is always a nice twist. Your list can be songs from your prom, songs you liked from the year of your prom or current day favorites. At dinner, take turns playing a song from everyone’s playlist. If playlists are long, why not sporadically incorpate playing them into a part of your regular family meal?
  • Gather photos from your prom, grandparents, family and friends to help celebrate the occasion.
  • Set the dinner table nicely. Fine china,  tablecloth, cloth napkins, flowers from your garden all help to create a festive setting. If spring hasn’t yet sprung in your neck of the woods- and you have kids with time on their hands, have them design colorful bouquets from paper and crayons, pompoms and popcicle sticks- get creative!
  • Don’t worry too much about the meal. It can be a family favorite, a recipe you’ve been looking for an excuse to try or something as easy as hot dogs and french fries.  The idea is stressless family fun.

Table Talk For Prom Day Dinners

Do not resort to asking how was your day at the table. Intead, why not come up with some dinner conversation thatt goes with the evening’s theme? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • If you gathered photos from your or your family’s proms from the past, share the pictures, share your memories (edited as appropriate!)
  • How were you asked to the prom? How would you like to be asked to the prom today?
  • How did you get to the prom? How would you like to get to the prom today?
  • Where was it held? Where would you like your prom to be held?
  • What type of decorations were there? How would you decorate your prom today?
  • What was served at your prom? What would you like to eat at your prom today?
  • Would you like a prom more or less if you didn’t dress up? Why?
  • What was your favorite thing about the prom?
  • Was there an after party? What did you do? Who was there? Where would you go and what would you do today for an after party?
  • What do you wish would have been different about your prom? Was it what you expected? Why or why not.
  • Are you still in touch with any of your prom friends?

Let the conversation be lively, imaginative and full of laughs. Afterall, it’s a party and you’ve just created a joyful celebration.


What is your fondest prom memeory? Did you need to edit it for your kids? Please share it in the comments below, your secret is safe with us. Promise.

Thanks, Smiles.

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Serve it up with kickass conversations with your kids. Repeat.